Pathway to the Diaconate in the Diocese of Lansing

This is journey which typically takes a minimum of 6 years but can take much longer.  You must be between the ages of 35-55 at time of application, live within the Diocese for at least three years, actively involved in the Church and demonstrate the ability to express the reasons you potentially are being called as a deacon. 

1. Begin the Inquiry process with the approval of your pastor and your wife.

2. Meet with the Director of Diaconal Formation, Deacon Randy Desrochers, and/or his Associate Director of Diaconal Formation, Deacon Gary Perrydore.

3. Begin the necessary theological education which represents on average 36 college-level credit hours at either;

Financial Assistance is available  - See "Tuition Subsidy Form" in Resources on the right of this page.

4. Apply to be an “Aspirant”  - after completing at least 1/2 of the theological education.

The Aspirant application process takes approximately 8 months to complete. Why so long?

5. Attend monthly “Aspirant” meetings with your wife for two years (Sept-May)

6. Apply for the 1st of 3yrs of “Candidacy”. Each represents a blended year of didactic presentations, hands-on training, and service projects.  One applies to proceed
    on to the next year at the end of each preceding year.

7. Complete all 3 years of Candidacy as well as all the necessary theological education & formation, then apply for ordination.  See the stages below.