Permanent Diaconate

Welcome to the Diocese of Lansing.  Our Deacons fulfill their ministry as fathers and spouses in their families, and as deacons in the Church.  The unique position we hold in the Catholic Church enables us to express our love to our family and extend loving service and compassion to others through the ministries of the Liturgy, Word, and Charity.

Our deacons serve in 10 counties in the south-central portion of Michigan. We currently have 124 active deacons ministering to our parishes as ordained ministers called to embody the image of Christ the servant; they represent the church in the community, and at Sunday Mass they bring the needs of the community to the attention of the church.

The Director of Permanent Diaconate, Dcn. Ken Preiss, is also available for questions. He can be reached at


“We ought to thank God always for you, brothers, as is fitting, because your faith flourishes ever more, and the love of every one of you for one another grows ever greater. (2 Thes. 1:3)