Discernment Resources

What is "Discernment" ?

The word discernment means to “separate apart” so we might distinguish something in order for it to be perceived clearly.  It is the way in which we identify God’s will within the context in which we live, in being aware and attentive to God’s movement in our life. Most of us do know God’s will because it has been revealed through the teachings and life of Jesus Christ.  However, there are times when God’s will is not so clear and we realize that we need to search for what God is asking of us.

Discernment is an art and it is learned by doing, not just reading about it.  It is a function of an individual’s personal relationship with the Lord.  When we desire to do God’s will, are willing to be open to God, and have a solid knowledge of God, then discernment is possible.  Therefore, prayer is an essential component of the process of discernment.  To be a truly discerning person, we need to be humble, charitable, and courageous.  As we become more familiar with the Lord in prayer, we will come to know that the “small still voice” speaks in peace never in turmoil, anxiety, or restlessness.

Other questions to ask?

Do you have a spiritual director?  Have you spoken to your pastor about the stirrings in your heart?

What are the signs of the call to Consecrated Life?

What are the signs of the call to Priesthood?

What does Theology of the Body teach?

Is there a place to live with other College-age women to discern?

What is Ignatian Spirituality - Fr. Timothy Gallagher's Discernment of Spirits