When you plan your next gathering, follow this checklist to insure all guests feel welcome and can participate:
- The event location has no curbs, steps, rough terrain, or narrow passages that cannot be traversed by someone using a mobility aid, such as a walker, cane, scooter, wheelchair, or assistance dog.
- In choosing the event site, we have considered potential issues for our guests, such as lighting, sound, and chemical sensitivity.
- The event budget allows for accommodation costs for guests who need special foods, large print handouts, Braille transcription, or a sign language interpreter.
- The event schedule is flexible to provide for guests who need more time moving about or need frequent breaks.
- The event publicity explicitly welcomes all with special needs with a statement such as: “In order to provide for any special needs, such as wheelchair seating, hearing assistance, sign language interpreter, or large print/Braille materials, please contact ________ at least 10 days before the event.”
- Registration for this event is available in a variety of ways, such as phone, fax, postal, email and online options.
- All who request accommodations will be asked to specify what they need. We won’t assume a blind person can read Braille or a deaf person can read lips.
- Program presenters are informed in advance of any special needs of any participants. For example: an interpreter or note taker will be present; visual presentations need to be orally described for blind attendees; a microphone that is connected to an assistive listening system.
- Any special accommodations for the event presenter(s) will be provided.
- Support people, such as interpreters and personal assistants, are included in the headcount for seating and refreshments.
- Name tags are printed in bold type, and large font.
We’re prepared to problem solve last-minute glitches like, “Where can my guide dog go to the bathroom?” or “Where can I charge my wheelchair battery?”