“The Consecrated Life, deeply rooted in the example and teaching of Christ the Lord, is a gift of God the father to his Church through the Holy Spirit. By the profession of the evangelical counsels the characteristic features of Jesus – the chaste, poor and obedient one—are made constantly “visible” in the midst of the world and the eyes of the faithful are directed towards the mystery of the Kingdom of God already at work in history, even as it awaits its full realization in heaven.
"In every age there have been men and women who, obedient to the Father’s call and to the prompting of the Spirit, have chosen this special way of following Christ, in order to devote themselves to him with an “undivided” heart (cf. 1 Cor 7:34). Like the Apostles, they too have left everything behind in order to be with Christ and to put themselves, as he did, at the service of God and their brothers and sisters. In this way, through the many charisms of spiritual and apostolic life bestowed on them by the Holy Spirit, they have helped to make the mystery and mission of the Church shine forth, and in doing so have contributed to the renewal of society.” (Vita Consecrata, Introduction)
Discerning Consecrated Life?
Congregations Currently Serving in the Diocese of Lansing
Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph
Congregation of the Sisters of St. Felix (Felician Sisters)
Dominican Sisters (Grand Rapids)
Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist
Dominican Sisters of Peace (Columbus, OH)
Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement
Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas (Farmington)
Religious Sisters of Mercy (Alma)
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, Ohio
Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Eucharist (Tiffin)
Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres (Vietnam)
Sisters of the Lamb of God
Sisters of the Precious Blood (Dayton, OH)
Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary