Read: "Be loved! Be radiant!" Why Cheryl thinks you should attend this month's Michigan Catholic Women's Conference

Reflecting on the history of the annual Michigan Catholic Women’s Conference, conference chair Cheryl Quin, pictured, is humbled by what the Lord has done.

“In 2012, Bishop Boyea asked his staff to start a women’s conference and it’s been going strong since then,” says Cheryl in interview with Mary Gates of FAITH Magazine ahead of this year's conference which takes place on October 12 in Lansing. Cheryl says that for her personally, the conference has served as an invitation from the Lord to go deeper.

“I’ve learned there’s so much more in our beautiful faith. For a long time I was looking for more and not sure where to find it. I had asked the Lord to guide me with a purpose. This was an answer to prayer, and I’m humbled to be a part of it.” Cheryl says that time and time again, God uses the conference for renewal and refreshment. “You have to get your cup filled, and this is a great place to get your cup filled.”

Each year, a discernment team from the conference committee gathers in January to pray in front of the blessed sacrament and seek God’s will for the conference. From that meeting comes direction and a theme.

“This year, the word radiance came up in prayer,” Cheryl recalls, “and we had a sense of women needing to know they are loved, to know that in God’s eyes they are a treasure. We felt like the world is so dark now and we need to radiate God’s love. But you can’t do that unless you know who your Father is and what Jesus has done for you. We all need to know that we are chosen and belong to God, which is a lifelong journey and we won’t know it fully until we see him face to face, but we can come to know it more and reflect it more.”

Speakers for this year’s conference include: Heather Khym, co-host of the internationally popular Abiding Together podcast; Sheri Wohlfert, author of Joyful Words podcast and Faith Magazine columnist; and Peter Burak, Vice-President of Renewal Ministries and Faith Magazine columnist.

The day includes adoration, praise and worship, confession and prayer ministry, time for fellowship and shopping the Catholic vendors, and Holy Mass with Bishop Boyea as principal celebrant.

Cheryl says that the work that goes into the conference is fueled by a prayer for the women who attend, that “they will be reminded of who their beloved is and that they are loved and cherished by our great God.”

As God pours out his grace, she says, she prays that each attendee, “will be filled with his love and then be able to more fully radiate that love.”


Learn More:

What: Be Loved, Be Radiant: Michigan Catholic Women’s Conference

When: October 12th 9am-5pm

Where: Lansing Center, Lansing

To Register: