New Evangelization News

Read: Saint Josephine Bakhita: "No Better Model of Catholic Social Teaching" by Kishore Jayabalan
Watch: Diocese of Lansing Men's Conference 2025 | An Invitation from Peter Herbeck
Watch: Why the explosion in Catholic men's groups? Watch and find out.
Read: Epiphany Sunday | A day to prayerfully reflect upon Christian Stewardship
Read: "How Father Hudgins taught me to bow at Jesus' Name" by Lisa Kutas, Chief of Staff, Diocese of Lansing
Watch: Matt Birk invites you to Diocese of Lansing Catholic Men's Conference 2025
Read: How to become a contemplative in the world by Pete Burak, Renewal Ministries, Ann Arbor
Read: Saint Albert the Great | The harmony of faith and reason by Deacon Carl Boehlert
Read: Why Mother Cabrini teaches us to entrust our lives to God w/ Craig Pohl, Director of New Evangelization, Diocese of Lansing
A wee reminder: This Friday is a "Meat Friday"