Beginning on Saturday, July 1, please pray for nine days in succession for the nine new deans of the Diocese of Lansing. Each has leadership responsibilities in the new deaneries of the diocese which come into effect this weekend. The deans are:
1. Southern Deanery | Dean: Fr. Todd Koenigsknecht
2. Jackson Deanery | Dean: Fr. Tim MacDonald
3. Lansing Deanery | Dean: Fr. Steve Mattson
4. Northern Deanery | Dean: Fr. Mike Williams
5. Western Deanery | Dean: Fr. Jim Rolph
6. Northeastern Deanery | Dean: Fr. Joe Krupp
7. Livingston Deanery | Dean: Fr. Mathias Thelen
8. Ann Arbor Deanery | Dean: Fr. Bill Ashbaugh
9. Southeastern Deanery | Dean: Fr. Brendan Walsh
Novena prayer:
Jesus, Good Shepherd, You sent us the Holy Spirit to guide Your Church and lead her faithful to the Father through You and by means of the ministry of Your priests.
Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, grant to these priests whom Bishop Boyea has appointed Deans, wisdom in leading, faithfulness in teaching, and holiness in guarding Your sacred Mysteries.
As they cry out with all the faithful, ‘Abba, Father!’ may Your priests be ever more closely identified with You, in Your divine Sonship, as they offer their own lives with You, the one saving Victim.
Make them helpful brothers to one another, and understanding fathers of all Your people.
As they prepare to assume the role of Dean, renew in these priests greater trust in You, childlike reliance on our Mother, Mary, and unwavering fidelity to the Holy Father and our bishop. Amen.
* To learn more about the new deaneries, click here.