Office of the Bishop News

Watch: Week 12 | Be My Witnesses w/ Bishop Boyea | Belong: The Common Life (Acts 2:42-47)
Read: Clergy Assignment | March 18, 2025
Watch: Week 11 | Be My Witnesses w/ Bishop Boyea | Know Him in the Breaking of the Bread (Luke 24:35)
Read: Clergy Assignments
Watch: Week 10 | Be My Witnesses w/ Bishop Boyea | Learn: Devote yourself to the teaching of the Apostles
Read: Ash Wednesday | Preparing the Way for the Lord
Watch: Week 9 | Be My Witnesses w/ Bishop Boyea | Prayer: The Eucharist, source and summit of prayer
Watch: Week 8 | Be My Witnesses w/ Bishop Boyea | Mission: Bearing Wrongs Patiently
Watch: Week 7 | Be My Witnesses w/ Bishop Boyea | Mission: Feed the Hungry
Death Notice: Mr. Earl Boyea Senior (1928 - 2025) RIP