Today marks the conclusion of the Bishop Earl Boyea's Year of the Bible: 12,897 subscribers; 365 chapters; 65 videos; 18 books of the Bible; seven webinars; one singular purpose: To draw each of us closer to Jesus Christ and His Holy Church. Bishop Boyea has this to say today:
"Dear brothers and sisters, it has been a wonderful and spiritually enriching opportunity to be reading my favorite books of the Bible during this past year with all of you. This was meant to be just a year and so we will now shift gears. In fact, we hope in the coming year to help all of us become better disciples of Jesus Christ. However, please do not stop reading the Word of God. Please, do not stop encountering Jesus when reading your Bible. Please, do not stop sharing your thoughts with others. And, please do not stop feeding on this wonderful manna which God has given us. Let this reading of a chapter a day become for all of us a healthy spiritual habit to enrich our entire day. God’s many blessings on you all and thanks so much for being on this pilgrimage with me this past year."