Here's the latest Realign Resources update from Deb Amato, Chief of Staff for the Diocese of Lansing and member of the Realign Resources for Mission Committee.
It was first broadcast on July 1 as part of the weekly Realign Resources for Mission weekly update e-mail. You can subscribe to it here: https://dioceseoflansing.flocknote.com/NewsfromtheDioce
In the meantime, here's some key staging posts in the process happening at present:
* Last week saw the deadline for the priests of the Diocese of Lansing to give their responses to the draft models for each area of the diocese presented to them at their gathering in Brighton last month with Bishop Boyea. This month the Diocese is hosting a meeting with the deacons of the diocese too.
* The Diocese of Lansing's Director of the Office of New Evangelization, Craig Pohl, has started hosting regular feedback sessions via Zoom with lay parish staff in order to get further feedback from them following their gathering in Brighton last month.
* The Realign Resources for Mission committee next meets on Monday, July 19. It’s at that meeting they'll review all the feedback from clergy and lay staff. They will then work on redrafting their proposals based upon that feedback. Those proposals will then come back to the lay faithful in a series of regional meetings in the coming months.
O Mary, Immaculately Conceived, Patroness of the Diocese of Lansing, pray for us.