You are cordially invited to join the Diocese of Lansing this Monday, February 15, for a Bishop's Year of the Bible Webinar with the popular Biblical scholar, Dr. Scott Hahn of the Franciscan University of Stuebenville in Ohio.
The topic of the webinar is the Book of Prophet Jeremiah which the Bishop's Year of the Bible will begin reading the following day, Wednesday, February 16. Dr. Hahn hopes to gives both scholarly insights to the Old Testament book as well as advice as to how you can get the most of prayerfully reading it. So do join us live and bring your questions too!
So far, over 11,000 people a day are signed up to received the daily biblical text and commentary from the Diocese of Lansing. Monday's webinar will begin at 8pm and will last for approximately an hour. All are very welcome to participate via Zoom. The link for the Zoom webinar is below:
Time: Feb 15, 2021 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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