In August 2019, Bishop Earl Boyea convened a 15-strong committee and charged them with discerning how to realign the human and other resources within the Diocese of Lansing to help parishes better engage in the mission of Jesus to build up the Kingdom of God across the 10-county diocese. Known as the Realign Resources for Mission committee, they will report back to Bishop Boyea with recommendations later in 2021.
Hosted by committee member, Pete Burak, this 41-minute presentation you will allow you to:
* Discover why Bishop Boyea decided to initiate the the Realign Resources for Mission (RRM) process.
* Go through the four principles informing Bishop Boyea’s Realign Resources for Mission Vision.
* Have the opportunity to give written feedback to them and the RRM process in general via this online survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/realignresourcesformission
The presentation has been shared in 67 parish meetings across the Diocese of Lansing in recent months, both in-person and virtually, and has seen approximately 2,500 parishioners participate and has elicited over 1,800 written submissions from so far. The concluding parish meetings take place today and tomorrow.
This video was created for use by those few parishes who did not host parish meetings. It can also be used, however, by any parishioner who was unable to attend their particular parish meeting. Please submit any feedback by January 15, 2020.
All feedback will be read by the Realign Resources for Mission Committee. Why is all that important Because, informed by your feedback, the next step for the Realign Resources for Mission process is to begin drawing up a range of concrete proposals which will come back to each area of the diocese for further comment later this year before going to Bishop Boyea. Hence, your input is both valued and appreciated. Thank you. God bless you.
* Presentation recorded on November 25, 2020.
* Frequently Asked Questions regarding Realign Resources for Mission: https://www.dioceseoflansing.org/office-bishop/RRM-FAQs