Today, the Michigan Attorney General announced he has opened an investigation into all seven Michigan Catholic dioceses looking into the handling of allegations of sexual abuse of minors by clerics. The Diocese of Lansing welcomes a review of our handling of abuse cases by Michigan’s Attorney General. We are confident in our processes. We have and will continue to reach out to law enforcement with these matters.
On Sept. 11, 2018, Bishop Earl Boyea announced that he is planning to invite an external agency of lay professionals to audit Diocese of Lansing files and verify that the diocese handled allegations of sexual abuse of minors by clerics appropriately. Their report will be made public on the diocesan website along with the names of those who abused minors.
We know of no one active in ministry in our diocese who has abused a child. The last known event of abuse of a minor occurred prior to 2002. It is important that anyone committing these crimes is brought to justice. We continue to pray that Christ will bring healing to all victims and to his Church.
• If anyone has reason to suspect physical, sexual or emotional abuse of any person of any age, please contact Protective Services or the police, as appropriate.
• If abuse by anyone connected to the Church is suspected, please also contact Victim Assistance Coordinator Cheryl Hecksel-Williams at (888) 308-6252 or email: vac@dioceseoflansing.org