Friday, June 23, 2023
Vigil of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Welcome to Week 2 of On the Road to Emmaus. It is good to be here with you. Last week I set us the challenge of reading Saint Luke’s account of the journey on the Road to Emmaus as found in Chapter 24 of his Gospel. Why is this story so important? Because it foreshadows the journey we are now embarked upon over this coming year.
As with those two downcast disciples nearly two thousand years ago, our teacher is also the Risen Jesus. Each week he will reveal himself more fully to us through the opening of the Scriptures and the breaking of the bread. Our aim is that we get to know him better in the Holy Eucharist and also love him more through the Holy Eucharist.
Why? Because it is in relationship with Christ that we find our deepest meaning, happiness and peace, and there is no more profound way to encounter Jesus than in the Holy Eucharist which is the “source and summit of the Christian life” (Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium 11). So, my challenge this week: Pray with the Road to Emmaus story before the Tabernacle.
What does that involve? I'd suggest the following: Go into a church over the next seven days. Sit down in front of Our Lord present in the tabernacle. Take out a copy of the Gospels. Read the story of the Road to Emmaus again. This time, however, I want you to say the words of the disciples in your own voice. Make them your own: Stay with me, Lord, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over; Did not my heart burn within me, as you spoke to me on the way and opened the Scriptures to me? and then, finally: You were made known to me in the breaking of the bread.
Do you want some help regarding what to do and how to do it? Watch this short film, immediately below, as Tim Carpenter, Director of Discipleship Ministries at Saint Joseph Parish in Howell, gives his prayerful insights. Tim's segment begins about the 1'58" mark. I think you'll find it useful. Until next week, may God bless you all.
Assuring you of my prayers, I am sincerely yours in Christ,
+ Earl Boyea
Bishop of Lansing