Watch: Made for Mission | Pete Burak | Seven Reasons We Don't Evangelize & Five Ways to Flip that Switch

Are you afraid to talk to your friends or family about your love for Jesus Christ and His Holy Church? Perhaps you don't know what to say? Perhaps you don't think it really matters?

In this keynote address, below, delivered to the recent Diocese of Lansing Made for Mission Conference, 24 February, the popular Catholic speaker and writer, Pete Burak, of Renewal Ministries gives seven reasons why Catholics often don't evangelize and five ways to change that.

* Seven Reasons We Don't Evangelize:

00:00 Introduction

20:45 "We don't know we should."

22:06 "We've never seen it work and we're afraid of failure."

22:39 "We don't feel ready."

23:50 "We are worried by what others will say or will do, and who we will lose."

24:16 "We are afraid of being seen as hypocrites."

24:42 "We separate in our minds the need to build community and go on mission."

26:46 "We don't believe it matters."

* Five Ways to Flip that Switch:

30:39 "Embrace failure."

33:44 "You need to know your story."

37:25 "We need to fast."

39:54 "Ask the Lord to give you heartbreak."

43:15 "We have to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit."