An interactive way of assessing the spiritual health of parish-life is currently being rolled out across the Diocese of Lansing. It’s called the Disciple Maker Index and YOU are invited to take the survey.
“The Disciple Maker Index or DMI is an anonymous survey that provides insights into how well we are forming missionary disciples in each of our 72 parishes. The DMI asks you about your experiences in the parish you belong to or most often visit,” explains Lisa Kutas, Chief of Staff of the Diocese of Lansing,
“In essence, the DMI wants to know how well you feel your parish is helping you grow closer to Jesus Christ and his Holy Church; helping you learn more about your faith; and helping you live out discipleship in today’s world.”
Developed by the Pennsylvania-based Catholic Leadership Institute, the Disciple Maker Index (DMI) is a survey tool created to:
• Allow parishioners to reflect upon their spiritual growth and discipleship;
• Identify the ways in which the parish effectively supports that growth and look at opportunities to support that growth more in the future;
• Provide valuable input to help pastors and parish leaders make decisions and plan effectively;
• Help pastors and parish leaders have a sense of where to focus their evangelization efforts.
The parishes of the diocese first participated in the Disciple Maker Index in 2020. On that occasion, over 21,000 of you responded.
“Three years later, it will be fascinating to find out how things have changed, for better and for worse, and, hence, to know what more we need to do better or need to do differently,” explains Lisa.
• How to participate? Go to your parish’s website or their Facebook page to find the link specific to your parish DMI survey. And if you don’t want to complete the survey online, your parish has paper surveys available too, just ask for one. It takes 15 minutes to complete. The survey is open until March 27, 2023.