Bishop Earl Boyea of Lansing would like to invite you to join him in reading the Holy Bible over the span of 365 days starting on the First Sunday of Advent, November 29, 2020. But why?
In this Diocese of Lansing podcast Bishop Boyea discusses:
* Why he felt drawn in prayer to declare a Year of the Bible.
* Why you should consider joining him in this Year of the Bible.
* Why he has chosen the books of the Bible he has.
* How to read the Bible prayerfully.
* What he hopes the Diocese of Lansing will gain from this Year of the Bible.
Asking the questions is David Kerr, Director of Communications for the Diocese of Lansing.
Do you want to sign up for Bishop Boyea's Year of the Bible? All you have to do is pick up your cellphone and text the letters BYOB – that stands for Bishop’s Year of the Bible – to 84576 OR to our Diocese of Lansing website here to sign up: https://www.dioceseoflansing.org/byob
Recorded November 19, 2020. Diocese of Lansing Podcast #17