Advent is a season for repentance in preparation for the incarnation of Jesus Christ into human history, and into our lives, at Christmas: “A voice cries: In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord, Make straight in the desert a highway for our God,” (Isaiah 40:3)
But how do we repent? Well, Origen (185-254 AD), one of the greatest theologians of the early Church, in his Commentary on the Book of Leviticus, wrote about seven means of repentance, of doing penance for our sins, ultimately leading up to Confession to a priest.
Over the coming days, Bishop Earl Boyea invites you to join him in learning about, and meditating upon, these seven means of repentance as articulated by Origen.
“In these behaviors, Origen is trying to help us convert from our sins and turn our hearts, minds, and souls to God,” says Bishop Boyea, “So, please join me in seven brief reflections on these helps to our spiritual life.” In today’s first episode, Bishop Boyea meditates upon the Sacrament of Baptism.