My sisters and brothers in Christ,
“Stir up one another to love and good works.” This scripture from the letter to the Hebrews is a call to discipleship. St. Paul urges us to action today in the same way that he urged the earliest disciples of Jesus Christ. Having received the salvation of Jesus and the gifts of the Spirit, we are fully equipped to reflect the light of Christ in the love and good works that we offer others today.
Our Diocesan Services Appeal is one opportunity to exhibit discipleship – to share the Good News with others and to offer loving support in the many good works of our Catholic Church.
DSA contributions provide for basic personal needs and counseling services for the most vulnerable in our communities; for pregnancy counseling and adoption services; for vocational formation including seminarian education and consecrated life, the diaconate, marriage preparation and life ministries; for the education and catechesis of our youth and young adults; for campus and hospital ministries; and for helping others come to know Jesus through our loving actions.
Your DSA contributions are put to work, right away, in a multitude of ministries and spiritual activities. The dollars are not invested or reserved for some future purpose. They are put to use in the year received to offer direct assistance to individuals and families, to parishes and schools, and to those who have yet to learn of the life and love of Jesus.
Brothers and sisters, the Catholic Church – through our parishes, our Catholic Charities agencies, our Catholic schools, and dozens of other ministries – provides vital care and service to all Christ’s people in the Diocese of Lansing. I ask you to join me, and join together, in contributing to DSA. With your support, and stirred by the Spirit, we’ll help one another to share God’s love and carry out the work of our Church in the year ahead. These many good works unify us, disciples, together on the way!
Thank you! And may God bless you for all that you do with and for one another.
+ Earl Boyea
Bishop of Lansing
* To give to the 2022 Diocesan Services go to: https://www.dioceseoflansing.org/appeal