Here are some images of Bishop Boyea of Lansing providing a fitting and prayerful interment for the ashes from the Ingham County Medical Examiner's Office, and local funeral homes, that have gone unwanted and uncollected over the past year at Saint Joseph Cemetery in Lansing, November 2, All Souls’ Day.
“Each one of the individuals interred today was loved into existence by God. They are our brothers and sisters in Christ and they are due the same dignity that each person, regardless of station or place in life, is due,” said Jim Collom of Saint Martha Parish, Okemos, who organized the interment service.
“On this day above all others, All Soul's Day, it was an immense privilege to be able to pray for them and to be able to see them to their final resting place.”
Jim is a candidate for the permanent diaconate for the Diocese of Lansing. He undertook to organize the burying of the dead as a corporal work of mercy. In total the cremated mortal remains of 82 deceased persons were interred; 58 adults and 24 children including many still-born babies who were never collected by their parents.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.