It’s just two weeks until the first ever Michigan March for Life on Wednesday, November 8 in Lansing. Why should you be there? Here is Genevieve Marnon of Right to Life of Michigan, has to say:
“Why is it important to be at the Michigan March for Life? Because one year from the passage of the radically pro-abortion Proposal 3 into our state constitution, the supporters of abortion want this debate to be done, they think they’ve won, they now just want pro-lifers to go away. We’ll we’re not going away. Not until every unborn child is protected in law,”
The November 8 event will begin at 9.30am with Holy Mass in Saint Mary Cathedral with Bishop Earl Boyea of Lansing as the principal celebrant. That will be followed at 11am by a rally on the steps of the State Capitol with the March for Life setting off from there at Noon.
Those in attendance at the State Capitol will hear from a range of local and national pro-life figures including Barbara Listing, President of Right to Life of Michigan, and Jeannie Mancini, President of the National March for Life. The keynote address will be given by Genecia Davis, the founder of Black Girls for Life who will share her personal story of abortion and her subsequent path to peace. To register go to: https://marchforlife.org/michigan-march-for-life/