Respect for Life News

Read: "Why we should all volunteer for 40 Days for Life this Lent" by Jenny Ingles
Read: "My prayer for the unborn today" by Jenny Ingles, Diocese of Lansing's Director of Fertility and Life Ministries,
Read: "Why we must resist assisted suicide" by Jenny Ingles, Director of Life Ministries, Diocese of Lansing
Read: The Feast of the Visitation | A reminder of the unborn's humanity w/ Genevieve Marnon, Right to Life of Michigan
Read: "Let us persevere!" | Bishop Earl Boyea's tribute to Barb Listing
Read: "Thank you mom for choosing life" by Jenny Ingles
Read: Keep fighting like Heaven | Michigan March for Life 2023
Read: Why I'll march for life tomorrow by Eileen Craig
Read: Why Genevieve thinks you should attend next week's Michigan March for Life
Reminder: Michigan March for Life | Two weeks to go!