Read: The Wonders of Daily Mass by Anna Murphy, Saint Mary, Pinckney

Today is the Feast of Pope Saint Pius X (1835 - 1914) whose 11-year papacy often promoted the frequent and worthy reception of Holy Communion, even on a daily basis. Pope Pius also lowered the age of First Holy Communion from twelve to the age of reason. Anna Murphy, Director of Faith Formation for Saint Mary parish in Pinckney now reflects upon the wonder of frequenting daily Mass. Anna writes:

In reflecting on daily Mass and receiving Communion, something that was very dear to Saint Pius X, I pause to reflect on my own experience in frequenting communion at daily Mass. While I realize that this is a gift that not everyone is able to receive on a frequent basis, it is still worth reflecting on the spiritual and temporal benefit of what going to daily mass entails.⁣ 

I can’t tell you how many times I walk into mass thinking “oh, x part of my life is a mess/disaster” or “it’s not even 8am and I have managed to mess x thing up” only to go to Mass and have a change of heart. Or, in the middle of Mass am tempted to focus on only myself and my problems (though these are good things to bring to Jesus!). I am reminded of God’s love for me, and how much Jesus does desire me.  

Normally, what I came to Mass struggling with or worried about becomes a little smaller. And even if it doesn't go away completely, I am reminded that even in the middle of a struggle, Jesus is there with me. I can lean on him, depend on him, and trust in him because of who he is. 

Daily Mass helps me have a daily and continual turn of heart towards Jesus as opposed to what can easily turn into my interior monologue without him. Mass helps me to re-focus and center my thoughts on the Lord, no matter what I may encounter on that particular day. Trust in him and his love for you, and I encourage you, as often as you are able, to frequent this gift of love in Communion. 

Pope Saint Pius X, pray for us!