Hundreds of pro-life advocates took to downtown Lansing on Saturday, January 28, for the first Roe v. Wade Memorial March since the passing of Proposal 3 in November which inserted a so-called “right to abortion” into Michigan’s State Constitution.
“Every day since November 8, I have thanked God that throughout history, people of justice did not give up when they faced formidable opposition,” said Christen Pollo, Executive Director of Protect Life Michigan.
“Specifically, I think about the pro-life leaders in 1973 who, when the Roe v. Wade decision was handed down, decided to double down and to expand the pro-life movement.”
“They did not give up; they were fortified. And now we face our own 1973 moment. Despite our great disappointment, it is our turn to do as they did in 1973 and press on towards justice.”
Student groups from Lansing Catholic High School and Father Gabriel Richard High School in Ann Arbor were among the crowds at the Capitol building on Saturday. Saint Mary parish in Williamston also brought a delegation of parishioners to the rally.
“I come (to the march) every year, because I believe that we have to be a voice for those that don’t have a voice,” said Teresa Pratt, a parishioner at Saint Mary’s.
“When we get together with our other pro-life people, it energizes you. The defeat over Proposal 3, I think, defeated some people, but when you come to something like this, you realize how important the fight is and how important your voice is.”
Saturday’s march was sponsored by Protect Life Michigan and co-hosted by various groups including Ave Maria Radio, Michigan State Council Knights of Columbus, Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising, and Michigan Democrats for Life, among others.
• Looking to get involved in pro-life ministry in the Diocese of Lansing? Contact Jenny Ingles, Director of Fertility and Life Ministries, at 517-342-2587 or by email at jingles@dioceseoflansing.org.