Read: "Why you should listen to the Dream of Gerontius today" by David Kerr, Director of Communications, Diocese of Lansing

Here's a musical question for you: Have you ever listened to the Sir Edward Elgar’s Dream of Gerontius? If not, today’s Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels could be the day to do so. Why? The Diocese of Lansing’s Director of Communication, David Kerr, now explains. David writes:⁣

The Dream of Gerontius is an 1865 poem written by the great 19th century English convert, Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman (1801 – 1890). 35-years-later, the text was set to music by the English composer and fellow Catholic, Sir Edward Elgar.⁣

The work tells the story of a dying man, Gerontius. After succumbing to death, he awakens to encounter his guardian angel who explains its God-given mission thus:⁣

"This child of clay
To me was given,
To rear and train
By sorrow and pain
In the narrow way,
From earth to heaven."

And so, the soul begins his journey to the judgement seat of Almighty God accompanied, protected and consoled by the loving presence of his guardian angel. It is often said, we will face the judgement of God alone. Cardinal Newman prayerfully speculates that this is untrue. No. Our guardian angel will be there, faithfully fulfilling its divine commission to the end.⁣

As Newman writes, so the Church also teaches regarding guardian angels: “From its beginning until death, human life is surrounded by their watchful care and intercession… Already here on earth the Christian life shares by faith in the blessed company of angels and men united in God.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph #336).⁣

Hence, today, upon this great feast day, do take a moment to get to know your guardian angel a little bit better; to recognize its presence in your life; to thank it for all it does day and daily for you; and to look forward to that moment when it will embrace you upon the other side of death. Let us pray:⁣

Angel of God,my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me here,
ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard, to rule and guide.

• To listen to Sir Edward Elgar’s Dream of Gerontius, just click on the YouTube link below. Other recordings are available: