Death Notice: Mr. Earl A. Boyea Senior (1928 - 2025) RIP

Of your charity, please pray for the repose of the soul of Bishop Earl Boyea’s father, Earl Boyea Sr., who died on Tuesday, February 4, 2025. He was 96 years old. The late Mr. Boyea is pictured above with his son, Bishop Boyea, and his beloved wife of 72-years, Helen Boyea, who died two years ago. Let us pray: 

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.

May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Reproduced below is the official obituary for Mr. Boyea RIP:

Earl Alfred Boyea Sr. was born December 22, 1928 in Wyandotte, Michigan. He died peacefully at home on February 4, 2025. He was one of ten children born to Arthur and Laura Boyea. He married Helen Connor, the love of his life, on June 17, 1950. They celebrated their 72nd wedding anniversary prior to Helen’s passing on February 25, 2023.

They raised ten children in Waterford prior to retiring in Cheboygan on Twin Lakes, one of the most beautiful peaceful places on the earth. It is a wonderful home for our family gatherings. He is the father of Earl, David, Kathleen, Janice, Paul, John, Daniel, Joseph, Shanti, and Joan. He is the father-in-law of 8, grandfather of 12, great grandfather of 12, and a friend to many. All were welcome and he was always ready and willing to fix everything that was broken when the kids left.

His religion and belief in God as a Catholic were passed on from his parents. He prayed for his family to continue believing in God so we could all be together in heaven. He was an usher at church for many years and a member of the Knights of Columbus.

He had so many interests and talents which he passed on to his children. He was a farmer, auto mechanic, builder, wood worker, fisherman, hunter, cross country skier, puzzle maker, golfer, and so much more. He had a great sense of humor when playing a card game called “hand and foot” with the family. If he went out and set us he would give a big smirk causing complaints and laughter from his opponents. He led us through many miles hiking in Black Mountain and even in his 90’s he continued walking with his 4-wheeled walker down Crawford Lane and Smith Rd -- we will miss those 4 tracks.

When you see any of his children you will see a physical likeness and our inherited talents.

After his retirement he began wood working in his garage. He cut down trees and had them planed. He designed and built many shelves, cabinets, tables, benches and more which were gifts to his family. They will be great memories and a reminder of Dad every time we use them.

Your leaving will leave a large void in our family. May our father and mother join together in heaven.

The Funeral Mass will be Saturday February 15, 2025 at St. Mary’s/St. Charles Catholic Church at 11:00 am.

The family requests donations go to CCCOA Services 1531 Sand Rd., Cheboygan, MI 49721 and/or Bishop Baraga Catholic School 623 W. Lincoln Ave., Cheboygan.