Bishop Earl Boyea of Lansing has announced the following priest assignments:
• The Reverend Anthony SMELA, Parochial Vicar, Flint Catholic Community;
• The Reverend John VINTON, Parochial Vicar, St. Francis of Assisi, Ann Arbor;
• The Reverend Michael CASSAR, Parochial Vicar, St. Thomas Aquinas and St. John Student Center, East Lansing;
• The Reverend Gary KOENIGSKNECHT, Pastor, St. Joseph, Howell;
• The Reverend David FONS, Administrator, St. Mary, Williamston *;
• The Reverend Paul DONNELLY, Pastor, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Flint;
• The Reverend David HUDGINS, Pastor, St. Joseph Shrine, Brooklyn, weekends only while also working four-days-a-week at Diocese of Lansing Tribunal.
These changes will take effect on the last Wednesday of June, 2020. * This change will take effect Wednesday, July 1, 2020.