Bishop Boyea has appointed Deborah Amato, diocesan chair of the Department of Evangelization and Lay Formation, as Chief of Staff for the Central Service offices of the diocese. She succeeds Father Mike Murray in that role.
Amato joined the Diocese of Lansing as Director of Lay Ministry Formation in August, 2010 after working in various parish ministry roles (RCIA, Sacramental Preparation, Religious Education) for nine years. In January 2015 Bishop Boyea asked her to chair the newly formed Department of Evangelization and Lay Formation. She has an MA in Pastoral Studies from Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit. Prior to parish work she owned a computer consulting business and worked as a business analyst and a programming trainer. Additional training includes the Catherine of Siena Institute Called and Gifted process and Spiritual Direction school. Mark, her husband of 28 years, and Deb have four children and ten grandchildren who keep them very busy in their spare time.
“My role as Chief of Staff is to facilitate and coordinate the implementation of Bishop Boyea’s Pastoral Plan and vision for the Diocese of Lansing" Deborah said. "The people who make up the diocesan curia are very competent, passionate, and dedicated to the mission of the Catholic Church which makes my new role very straightforward.”