Lay Ministry Formation Events

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Lay Ministry

The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. Despite that, many of the faithful were never taught how to prepare themselves and others for the relationship God longs to have with…

St. Mary Magdalen
Brighton - Michigan


Hosted by Diocese of Lansing
As leaders, we need to think through, in advance, how to help all in our parish to negotiate the journey to mature discipleship. The issues at…

St. Francis Retreat Center
DeWitt - Michigan
Cost: $200


Hosted by Diocese of Lansing
As leaders, we need to think through, in advance, how to help all in our parish to negotiate the journey to mature discipleship. The issues at…

St. Francis Retreat Center
DeWitt - Michigan
Cost: $200

Lay Ministry

As leaders, we need to think through, in advance, how to help all in our parish to negotiate the journey to mature discipleship. The issues at stake are extraordinarily high for…

St. Francis Retreat Center
DeWitt - Michigan
Cost: $100