Friday, July 12, 2024
Feast of Saints Louis and Zelie Martin
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Over the next few weeks, we will be reaching the conclusion of our Road to Emmaus. It has been a great privilege to make this pilgrimage with you over the past year. Together, we have attempted to grow in knowledge and love for Our Lord, Jesus Christ, as encountered in the Eucharist at Holy Mass.
This week I bring you another inspiring Eucharistic story plus a new Eucharistic challenge.
Let me introduce Tim Busch. Tim is an attorney, businessman, and philanthropist. He is also a beloved son of the Diocese of Lansing who is based in California’s Orange County. By worldly standards, Tim is a success. He has achieved great wealth and influence.
So, what or who occupies the center of Tim’s life? As he now tells us, central to his existence is Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Tim also tells us of how he was persuaded of the worth of frequenting Daily Mass by the witness of Tom Monaghan, the Michigan based founder of Domino’s Pizza’s. That’s a reminder of the influence – for good or ill – that we all have upon each other.
And that is also my challenge to you this week On the Road to Emmaus: Attempt to attend daily Mass each day this week or as often as you are able to do so given your individual responsibilities.
We are, of course, only obliged to attend Holy Mass on Sundays and other holy days of obligation. However, attending daily Mass is a very fruitful pious practice that has sustained many of the saints – and those who aspire to sainthood.
Watch now as Tim Busch tells his particular story. Enjoy the film.
+ Earl Boyea
Bishop of Lansing