The word “kerygma” is Greek for “the gospel” or “the good news.” Kerygma Encounter is a day spent with our loving God; Father, Son, and Spirit. The focus of this retreat experience is to bring you to a new encounter, both in mind and heart, with Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit, drawing closer into the heart of the Father.
The Kerygma Encounter experience consists of several components; opportunities for quiet listening, assent, healing, and rejoicing. The day consists of the essential Gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed in brief but compelling talks, times of direct and private conversations with the Lord, Eucharistic Adoration, powerful community prayer, and sharing encouragement and joy with each other in quiet conversation.
Since Kerygma Encounter was developed in the Diocese of Lansing in 2015, more than fifteen hundred committed Catholics around the state of Michigan have been formed and transformed by the experience (including priests, deacons, and the Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist!!) Kerygma Encounter is now used as a first step to catechist training; it's being incorporated into marriage preparation; and it has been appropriated for use as a Confirmation Retreat for teens.
Participants have said so many marvelous things about Kerygma Encounter: "I needed this so badly", and "I FINALLY met Jesus!" and "The prayer times were POWERFUL!!" and "I'm coming back to do this again!!"
If you have questions about hosting a Kerygma Encounter please contact Brian Flynn at bflynn@dioceseoflansing.org.
2024/2025 Upcoming Kerygma Encounter Retreats
October 12, 2024
St. Joseph - Howell, MI
February 24, 2025
St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church - Saline, MI