Congratulations to Father Seamus Kettner and Father Corey Bilodeau, above, who were ordained to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ for the Diocese of Lansing on Saturday, June 10, 2023. Deo gratias! Ad multos annos!
“My sons and brothers, Jesus is our model, as is always the case,” said Bishop Earl Boyea in his homily during the Ordination Mass at Saint Mary Cathedral in Lansing.
“So, pour yourselves out as gifts, not holding anything back. You are thus committing yourselves to serve as models to all of us as you embrace the Cross of our Lord, Jesus Christ.”
31-year-old Father Bilodeau hails from the parish of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Lansing. He studied for the priesthood at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. He will now serve as Parochial Vicar at Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish and Saint John Student Center in East Lansing.
Meanwhile 30-year-old Father Kettner is a son of Saints Charles & Helena parish in Clio. He too studied at Sacred Heart Major Seminary and will now serve as Parochial Vicar at Saint Francis of Assisi in Ann Arbor.
“First and foremost, Father Corey and I want to thank God. Thank You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. May our priesthood be for You and You alone,” said Father Kettner on behalf of both newly ordained priests at the conclusion of Holy Mass.
“You have given us our greatest gift in life — our vocation, our calling, our mission. May we protect and guard it with all our strength. May it always be lived out in imitation of Jesus, our High Priest.”
The principal celebrant of the Mass of Ordination was Bishop Earl Boyea with Bishop Emeritus Carl Mengeling among those concelebrating. They were assisted at the altar by Deacon Joshua Fons and Deacon Riley O’Shea who are due to be ordained to the priesthood next year, Deo volente.
Father Bilodeau was vested with his priestly chasuble and stole by Father Paul Erickson and Father Dan Westermann in honor of the late Father David Hudgins RIP who died in a car crash last year. Father Kettner was vested by Father Ken Coughlin and Father Dave Blazek.
The sacred music was provided by a Diocesan Combined Choir and Schola under the guidance of Michael Garnett, Director of Music at Saint Mary Cathedral. The altar servers were drawn from the ranks of the Diocese of Lansing’s 28 seminarians.
Our Lady, Queen of the Clergy, pray for them!