Ten new deacons will be ordained for the Diocese of Lansing tomorrow, Saturday, May 13, Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, at Saint Thomas Aquinas parish in East Lansing. Deo gratias! Watch this short film capturing the sights, sounds and emotions of the ordinand's final rehearsal.
"Typically a deacon has three areas of ministry," explains Deacon Randy Desrochers, Director of Diaconal Formation for the Diocese of Lansing, May 10.
"We're ministers of the Word, we preach and we teach. We're ministers of charity, always have been going way back, concerned to the practical needs of the people, both in and outside of the parish. And then we are ministers of liturgy. I jokingly like to say that we can marry, bury and baptize."
Two of the diaconate candidates are seminarians who will progress, God willing, onto the priesthood. Meanwhile the other eight are married men who will be ordained permanent deacons. They are: James Collom, Joshua Fons, John Goff, Bill Kenney, Riley O’Shea, Eric Pogrmich, Ray Rzepecki, David Taccolini, Art Williams, and Jasen Wright.
Please keep all these men in your prayers in the days to come. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for them!