10 new deacons will be ordained for the Diocese of Lansing by Bishop Boyea this Saturday, May 13, Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Deo gratias!
Two of the diaconate candidates are seminarians who will progress, God willing, onto the priesthood. Meanwhile the other eight are married men who will be ordained permanent deacons. That includes Jasen Wright of Saint Joseph in Howell. Jasen writes:
"As the date of ordination gets closer, I am often asked how I am feeling and if I am excited. I normally answer that I feel equal parts excited and terrified, but I think more than anything I feel humbled to find myself here preparing for ordination. When I think back on my life and all the people who have been instrumental in helping me grow and develop my faith, especially these past eight years of discernment and preparation for the diaconate, I am so thankful for the prayer and support that so many people have offered to me and my family. I look forward to continuing to minister in our parish and community, providing support to my brothers and sisters as we continue our pilgrimage together to know Christ."
Please keep Jasen and all the ordinands in your prayers in the days to come. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for them!