10 new deacons will be ordained for the Diocese of Lansing by Bishop Boyea on Saturday, May 13, Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Deo gratias!
Two of the diaconate candidates are seminarians who will progress, God willing, onto the priesthood. Meanwhile the other eight are married men who will be ordained permanent deacons. That includes John Goff of Saint Joseph in Dexter. John says:
"My journey towards the diaconate really started in 2001 when my wife, Sherri, and I went on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter retreat weekend. That retreat had a great impact on my life, as God helped me see how important the sacraments are, especially the Eucharist. I have been doing many things in the Church since that event to grow and learn as much as I can to be a good disciple of Christ, which led me to the decision to start my journey to become a deacon. I had multiple parishioners tell me I should be a deacon, which I didn’t really believe myself. But I figured God was calling me to start something. That prodding from others led me on the long journey to my ordination."
"As a deacon, I look forward to serving my parish needs and being open to doing whatever God calls me to do. I will continue to work with the men’s groups I’ve been leading. And the marriage preparation programs Sherri and I have been part of to help couples prepare for sacramental life together. I will remain open to see how I am called to serve the community, the poor and the needy. Sherri and I are excited for this journey to begin in the service of our parish and diocese."
Please keep John and all the ordinands in your prayers in the days to come. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for them!