How's that for a front cover of the new edition of FAITH Magazine? Wow! It's Bishop Boyea offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass upon the altar in Saint Mary Cathedral in Lansing. A very fitting image too as the latest edition is very eucharistic. Within it's 31-pages:
* Bishop Boyea explains his new Eucharistic initiative, On the Road to Emmaus;
* Matt Riedl interviews the women who claim to have experienced a Eucharistic miracle in Jackson; he also talks to the faithful souls who keep vigil around the clock in the diocese's four perpetual adoration chapels;
* Liz Hansen speaks to one convert who was drawn to the Catholic Church by the Holy Eucharist;
* The Chancellor of the Diocese of Lansing, Michael Andrews, explores the relationship between the Eucharist and Catholic Social Teaching;
* And the Director of the Office of Worship, Jeremy Priest, explains the National Eucharistic Revival and what it means for us in the Diocese of Lansing.
The latest edition of FAITH should be in your mailbox soon but if you can't wait? Just click on this link. Ave verum corpus!