On Saturday, June 11 (Memorial of St. Barnabas), four seminarians will receive holy orders. Dcn. Tyler Arens of St. Mary's Westphalia and Dcn. Peter Ludwig of St. Peter's Eaton Rapids will be ordained to the Priesthood. Corey Bilodeau of Immaculate Heart of Mary, Lansing and Shea (Seamus) Kettner of SS. Charles and Helena, Clio will be ordained to the Diaconate. Please join us in celebrating this joyous occasion at St. Thomas Aquinas, 955 Alton Rd, East Lansing at 10:30am. A light reception is to follow.
Please join us in praying A NOVENA, for the four seminarians, for their intentions leading up to ordination.
Beginning on Thursday, June 2, and concluding on Friday, June 12, let us all pray…Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be, each day for the following intentions:
Day 1: In thanksgiving for our Baptism and sharing in the mission of Christ.
Day 2: For the grace to discern how God is calling us to know, love and serve Him.
Day 3: For the grace to accept our calling generously.
Day 4: For those currently living a generous single life for the Lord.
Day 5: For the protection of our vocations from every diabolical attack.
Day 6: For the gift of holy marriages and families, the well-spring of vocations.
Day 7: For an abundance of ordained clergy to bring us the sacraments.
Day 8: For the gift of religious sisters and brothers to serve the Church.
Day 9: For all in consecrated life (including third orders) who pray for us.
Closing Prayer:
Open their hearts to embrace the crucified and risen Lord as the response to their search for love, personal meaning, and happiness. Enlighten their minds to understand that the Lord is the beginning and end of every personal story, the focal point and the center of life, the joy of every human heart, and the answer to all questions and yearnings. Help them to see that when God calls, he gives everything and takes nothing away – nothing that makes life complete, beautiful, and great. May the voice of Christ echo in the silence of their hearts. May the gaze of Christ reach the depths of their very being to discover that their calling in life is only found in the Eucharistic Lord. Don’t let fear prevail over them. Dispel from their hearts all discouragements and doubts. We ask this through the intercession of Mary, the Mother of Christ the high Priest and the Mother of all priests and seminarians.