Of your charity, please pray for these two fine young men who will be ordained to the diaconate tomorrow morning, May 15, as they make their way, Deo volente, towards ordination to the sacred priesthood next year. They are Diocese of Lansing seminarians, Tyler Arns and Peter Ludwig.
“Well, I’m excited and nervous, I guess – it's been seven long years but this is what I was born to do,” said Peter at the ordination rehearsal at Saint Thomas Aquinas Church in East Lansing, May 12.
“I'm really looking forward to being a deacon, particularly preaching and baptizing as opportunities to enter more into the sacramental life and the mission of Jesus Christ.”
“I think I have a lot of peacefulness right now, and readiness too,” said Tyler who studied and worked at Michigan State University in East Lansing prior to entering seminary.
“For several years Saint Thomas Aquinas was my adopted parish, my home, and where I actually, ultimately, discerned that call to the seminary – so it feels a little surreal to be back in this church on the eve of my ordination and see the Lord's hand and all this.”
Peter Ludwig is the son of Jon and Lori Ludwig and the oldest of 11 children. He is from St. Peter's Parish in Eaton Rapids. He has been part of the Work of Christ charismatic community his entire life. Peter attended college at St. John Vianney Seminary in Minnesota and recently concluded his studies at the Pontifical North American College in Rome. He will be assigned as a deacon to St. Thomas Aquinas and St. John Student Center, East Lansing.
Tyler Arens is a Westphalia native and the son of Bruce and Sharon Arens. His home parish is St. Mary, Westphalia. He has three siblings. Tyler is a graduate of the University of Michigan and Michigan State University. He was employed by MSU prior to entering Sacred Heart Major Seminary in 2016. He will be assigned as a deacon to St. Mary in Pinckney.
Please pray for both men at the prepare for tomorrow’s ordination. Saint Stephen the Deacon, pray for them!
* You can prayerfully participate in tomorrow’s ordination via livestream on both YouTube and Facebook. Holy Mass begins at 10.30am. Go to:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elcatholics.org