Meet Sister Rebecca Mierendorf who is a Servants of God's Love, a new religious community located in Ann Arbor. Sister Rebecca hails from the nearby parish of Christ the King. She entered religious life as a postulant in the year 2000 and made her final profession of vows in 2006. Here’s her story of how biological sisterhood led her to religious sisterhood:
"She decided first. In fact, my identical twin sister was light years ahead of me in discerning her vocation. I didn't bother to discern because I already knew I was called to marriage. It wasn't until I saw Sr. M. Elise walk through those convent doors and stay, that I had to take a second look at what was lacking in my own prayer. Not only did she stay, but I watched her thrive...joyfully! Could it be? Could it be that the genes we shared could actually love religious life?!
“Before I could really discern my vocation, I had to hear the Lord say to me, "I have called you by name, you are mine" (Is. 43:1). He had to show me that he never confused me with anyone else. He never mixed us up like so many others did. I was precious to Him just as I was, and He had a plan just for me. I felt Him gently woo me to Himself. This was different from the relationship He had cultivated with me over the course of my life. This was a love language I hadn't heard before. "Hear, O daughter, consider, and incline your ear; forget your people and your father's house; for the king will desire your beauty" (Ps. 45:10). Throughout my discernment, the Lord made it clear to me that He was issuing an invitation, not a mandate. He would bless me if I chose otherwise, but I could not ignore the gentle call to choose Him alone.”
“I joined the Servants of God's Love as a postulant in August 2000, and made my final profession of vows in September 2006. His grace is sufficient, and His love is lavish!”
- Do you feel God may also be calling you to religious life? Contact Dawn Hausmann, Director of Consecrated Vocations at the Diocese of Lansing on 517-342-2506 or dhausmann@dioceseoflansing.org