Bishop Carl Mengeling was the Bishop of Lansing from 1996 until 2008. This week witnessed a Mass of Thanksgiving offered in Saint Mary Cathedral to mark the 25th anniversary of Bishop Mengeling ordination to the episcopate and, also, his 90th birthday. Ad multos annos!
In the hours beforehand, Bishop Mengeling sat down with the diocesan Director of Communications, David Kerr, to look back over his life including:
* His upbringing in Indiana within a family of immigrant German Lutherans.
* His conversion to Catholicism at the age of nine.
* His journey to the sacred priesthood and his ordination.
* His role as a page at the Second Vatican Council in Rome.
* His surprise at being named a bishop at the age of 65 and to a diocese he had never visited.
* His happiest memories from his years as the Bishop of Lansing.
Recorded Wednesday, December 9, 2020. Diocese of Lansing Podcast #20.