Year of the Bible

Luke 23

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Commentary on the Gospel According to St. Luke, Chapter 23:

The Temple leaders bring Jesus before Pilate, the leader of the secular government responsible for making a decision about the accusations against Jesus. Pilate states clearly that Jesus has committed no crime (vs. 4, 13-22). In a bit of political maneuvering, Pilate sends Jesus to a different jurisdiction for a hearing with Herod who “had long desired to see” Jesus and the signs done by him (vs. 6-12). God is always inviting us to fellowship. Herod and Pilate come close to truly seeing Jesus, but turn to peace with one another, instead of the ultimate peace offered by God (vs. 12, 2:14). Through the crucifixion that follows, Jesus confronts Evil, just as was foreshadowed during his temptation in the desert. There in the desert, Satan tried to turn Jesus from his saving mission three times (4:1-3). Here, while being excruciatingly tortured in execution, Jesus is taunted three times to pull back from his mission to save all from sin and death, and simply save himself (vs. 35-39). But Jesus stays. He doesn’t come down from the cross. Jesus freely, in victorious, “kingly power” gives his life for sinners (vs. 34, 42). Jesus invites each and every person captured by sin to allow themselves, “today,” to be rescued by him, and restored to the relationship God first offered humanity in Paradise-- to eat from the tree of life, forever (vs. 43, Rev 2:7).


The Gospel According to St. Luke, Chapter 23:

Jesus before Pilate

1 Then the whole company of them arose, and brought him before Pilate. 2 And they began to accuse him, say­ing, “We found this man pervert­ing our nation, and forbidding us to give tribute to Caesar, and saying that he himself is Christ a king.” 3 And Pilate asked him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” And he answered him, “You have said so.” 4 And Pilate said to the chief priests and the mul­titudes, “I find no crime in this man.” 5 But they were urgent, saying, “He stirs up the people, teaching throughout all Judea, from Galilee even to this place.”

Jesus before Herod

6 When Pilate heard this, he asked whether the man was a Galilean. 7 And when he learned that he belonged to Herod’s jurisdiction, he sent him over to Herod, who was himself in Jeru­salem at that time. 8 When Herod saw Jesus, he was very glad, for he had long desired to see him, because he had heard about him, and he was hoping to see some sign done by him. 9 So he ques­tioned him at some length; but he made no answer. 10 The chief priests and the scribes stood by, vehemently accusing him. 11 And Herod with his soldiers treated him with contempt and mocked him; then, clothing him in gor­geous apparel, he sent him back to Pilate. 12 And Herod and Pilate became friends with each other that very day, for before this they had been at enmity with each other.

Jesus Sentenced to Death

13 Pilate then called togeth­er the chief priests and the rul­ ers and the people, 14 and said to them, “You brought me this man as one who was perverting the people; and after examining him before you, behold, I did not find this man guilty of any of your charges against him; 15 neither did Herod, for he sent him back to us. Behold, nothing deserving death has been done by him; 16 I will therefore chastise him and release him.”
18 But they all cried out to­gether, “Away with this man, and release to us Barabbas”—19 a man who had been thrown into prison for an insurrection started in the city, and for murder. 20 Pi­late addressed them once more, desiring to release Jesus; 21 but they shouted out, “Crucify, cru­cify him!” 22 A third time he said to them, “Why, what evil has he done? I have found in him no crime deserving death; I will therefore chastise him and re­ lease him.” 23 But they were ur­gent, demanding with loud cries that he should be crucified. And their voices prevailed. 24 So Pilate gave sentence that their demand should be granted. 25 He released the man who had been thrown into prison for insurrection and murder, whom they asked for; but Jesus he delivered up to their will.

The Crucifixion of Jesus

26 And as they led him away, they seized one Simon of Cyrene, who was coming in from the country, and laid on him the cross, to carry it behind Jesus. 27 And there followed him a great multitude of the people, and of women who bewailed and lamented him. 28 But Jesus turn­ing to them said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. 29 For behold, the days are coming when they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never nursed!’ 30 Then they will begin to say to the mountains, ‘Fall on us’; and to the hills, ‘Cover us.’ 31 For if they do this when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?”
32 Two others also, who were criminals, were led away to be put to death with him. 33 And when they came to the place which is called The Skull, there they crucified him, and the crimi­nals, one on the right and one on the left. 34 And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments. 35 And the people stood by, watching; but the rulers scoffed at him, saying, “He saved others; let him save him­self, if he is the Christ of God, his Chosen One!” 36 The soldiers also mocked him, coming up and of­fering him vinegar, 37 and saying, “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!” 38 There was also an inscription over him, “This is the King of the Jews.”
39 One of the criminals who were hanged railed at him, say­ing, “Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us!” 40 But the other rebuked him, saying, “Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of con­demnation? 41 And we indeed justly; for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong.” 42 And he said, “Jesus, remem­ber me when you come in your kingly power.” 43 And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

The Death of Jesus

44 It was now about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour, 45 while the sun’s light failed; and the curtain of the temple was torn in two. 46 Then Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” And having said this he breathed his last. 47 Now when the centurion saw what had taken place, he praised God, and said, “Certainly this man was innocent!” 48 And all the multitudes who assembled to see the sight, when they saw what had taken place, returned home beating their breasts. 49 And all his acquaintances and the women who had followed him from Galilee stood at a dis­tance and saw these things.

The Burial of Jesus

50 Now there was a man named Joseph from the Jewish town of Arimathea. He was a member of the council, a good and righteous man, 51 who had not consented to their purpose and deed, and he was looking for the kingdom of God. 52 This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. 53 Then he took it down and wrapped it in a linen shroud, and laid him in a rock­-hewn tomb, where no one had ever yet been laid. 54 It was the day of Preparation, and the sabbath was beginning. 55 The women who had come with him from Galilee followed, and saw the tomb, and how his body was laid; 56 then they returned, and prepared spices and ointments. On the sabbath they rested ac­cording to the commandment.


*Daily Lectio Divina Question:

So soon after Easter, we read again of the trial and death of Jesus. Allow this reading in Luke to show you the times and people who were there to help carry the cross or prepare Jesus' body for burial, and ponder as to how you can serve the Lord and His people, even in diffiucult days.


Biblical Commentary provided by the Catholic Biblical School of Michigan, an adult faith formation apostolate. Catholic Biblical School of Michigan ( 

Revised Standard Version; Second Catholic Edition. (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2006).
Permission to use the RSV-2CE given for Bishop's Year of the Bible by Ignatius Press. Many thanks to Ignatius for this.

If you're looking for a good Catholic edition of the Bible, look no further.

Lucas 23

1 Se levantaron todos ellos y llevaron
a Jesús ante Pilato. 2 Entonces empezaron
a acusarle diciendo:

–Hemos encontrado a éste soliviantando
a nuestra gente y prohibiendo dar
tributo al César; y dice que él es el Cristo,
el Rey.
3 Pilato le preguntó:
–¿Eres tú el Rey de los Judíos?
–Tú lo dices –le respondió él.
4 Dijo Pilato a los príncipes de los sacerdotes
y a la muchedumbre:
–No encuentro ningún delito en
este hombre.
5 Pero ellos insistían:
–Subleva al pueblo, enseñando por
toda Judea, desde que comenzó en Galilea
hasta aquí.
6 Pilato al oírlo preguntó si aquel
hombre era galileo. 7 Y al saber que era
de la jurisdicción de Herodes, lo remitió
a Herodes, que estaba también aquellos
días en Jerusalén. 8 Herodes se alegró
mucho de ver a Jesús, pues deseaba
verlo hacía mucho tiempo, porque había
oído muchas cosas sobre él y esperaba
verle hacer algún milagro. 9 Le preguntó
con mucha locuacidad, pero él
no le respondió nada. 10 También estaban
allí los príncipes de los sacerdotes y
los escribas, acusándole con vehemencia.
11 Herodes, junto con sus soldados,
le despreció, se burló de él poniéndole
un vestido blanco y se lo remitió a Pilato.
12 Herodes y Pilato se hicieron amigos
aquel día, pues antes estaban enemistados
entre sí.

Pilato convocó a los príncipes de
los sacerdotes, a los magistrados y al
pueblo, 14 y les dijo:

–Me habéis presentado a este hombre
como alborotador del pueblo. Mirad:
yo le he interrogado delante de
vosotros, y no he encontrado en este
hombre ningún delito de los que le acusáis;
15 ni tampoco Herodes, porque nos
lo ha devuelto; por tanto, nada ha hecho
que merezca la muerte. 16 Así que, después
de castigarle, lo soltaré. (17 )
18 Pero toda la multitud clamó diciendo:
–¡Fuera con ése, y suéltanos a Barrabás!
19 –éste había sido encarcelado por
cierta sedición ocurrida en la ciudad y
por un homicidio.
20 De nuevo Pilato les habló queriendo
poner en libertad a Jesús. 21 Pero ellos
continuaban gritando:
–¡Crucifícalo, crucifícalo!
22 No obstante, por tercera vez, él les
–¿Y qué mal ha hecho éste? No encuentro
en él ningún delito de muerte;
por tanto, después de castigarle, lo soltaré.
23 Pero ellos insistían a grandes voces
pidiendo que lo crucificaran, y sus
gritos eran cada vez más fuertes. 24 Pilato
entonces decidió que se cumpliera su
petición: 25 soltó al que pedían –el que
había sido encarcelado por sedición y
homicidio– y a Jesús lo entregó a la voluntad
de ellos.

Cuando le llevaban echaron mano
de un tal Simón de Cirene, que venía
del campo, y le obligaron a llevar la cruz detrás
de Jesús.

27 Le seguía una gran multitud del
pueblo y de mujeres, que lloraban y se
lamentaban por él. 28 Jesús, volviéndose
a ellas, les dijo:
–Hijas de Jerusalén, no lloréis por
mí, llorad más bien por vosotras mismas
y por vuestros hijos, 29 porque mirad
que vienen días en que se dirá: «Dichosas
las estériles y los vientres que no
engendraron y los pechos que no amamantaron
30 »Entonces comenzarán a decir a
los montes: «Caed sobre nosotras»;
y a
los collados: «Sepultadnos»; 31 porque si
en el leño verde hacen esto, ¿qué se hará
en el seco?
32 Llevaban también con él a dos
malhechores para matarlos. 33 Cuando
llegaron al lugar llamado «Calavera», le
crucificaron allí a él y a los malhechores,
uno a la derecha y otro a la izquierda.
34 Y Jesús decía:
–Padre, perdónales, porque no saben
lo que hacen.
Y se repartieron sus ropas echando
35 El pueblo estaba mirando, y los
jefes se burlaban de él y decían:
–Ha salvado a otros, que se salve a
sí mismo, si él es el Cristo de Dios, el elegido.

36 Los soldados se burlaban también
de él; se acercaban y ofreciéndole vinagre
37 decían:
–Si tú eres el Rey de los judíos, sálvate
a ti mismo.
38 Encima de él había una inscripción:
«Éste es el Rey de los judíos».
39 Uno de los malhechores crucificados
le injuriaba diciendo:
–¿No eres tú el Cristo? Sálvate a ti
mismo y a nosotros.
40 Pero el otro le reprendía:
–¿Ni siquiera tú, que estás en el mismo
suplicio, temes a Dios? 41 Nosotros
estamos aquí justamente, porque recibimos
lo merecido por lo que hemos hecho;
pero éste no ha hecho ningún mal.
42 Y decía:
–Jesús, acuérdate de mí cuando llegues
a tu Reino.
43 Y le respondió:
–En verdad te digo: hoy estarás conmigo
en el Paraíso.
44 Era ya alrededor de la hora sexta. Y
toda la tierra se cubrió de tinieblas hasta
la hora nona. 45 Se oscureció el sol, y
el velo del Templo se rasgó por la mitad.
46 Y Jesús, clamando con una gran
voz, dijo:
–Padre, en tus manos encomiendo
mi espíritu.

Y diciendo esto expiró.
47 El centurión, al ver lo que había
sucedido, glorificó a Dios diciendo:
–Verdaderamente este hombre era
48 Y toda la multitud que se había reunido
ante este espectáculo, al contemplar
lo ocurrido, regresaba golpeándose
el pecho.
49 Todos los conocidos de Jesús y las
mujeres que le habían seguido desde
Galilea estaban observando de lejos estas
50 Había un hombre llamado José,
varón bueno y justo, miembro del Consejo,
51 que no estaba de acuerdo con su
decisión y sus acciones. Era de Arimatea,
ciudad de Judea, y esperaba el Reino
de Dios. 52 Éste se presentó a Pilato y le
pidió el cuerpo de Jesús. 53 Y lo descolgó,
lo envolvió en una sábana y lo puso en
un sepulcro excavado en la roca, donde
nadie había sido colocado todavía.
54 Era el día de la Parasceve y comenzaba
a brillar el sábado. 55 Las mujeres que
habían venido con él desde Galilea le siguieron
y vieron el sepulcro y cómo fue
colocado su cuerpo. 56 Regresaron y prepararon
aromas y ungüentos. El sábado
descansaron según el precepto.


Pregunta de Lectio Divina del día de hoy

Poco después de la Pascua, volvemos a leer sobre el juicio y la muerte de Jesús. Permite que esta lectura de Lucas te muestre los tiempos y las personas que estaban allí para ayudar a llevar la cruz o preparar el cuerpo de Jesús para su entierro, y reflexiona sobre cómo puedes servir al Señor y a su pueblo, incluso en los días difíciles.


La Biblia de Navarra

Permiso para usar esta versión de la primera edición de la Biblia de Navarra

para el Año de la Biblia del Obispo 

dado por Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A. (EUNSA).
