Year of the Bible

Jeremiah 4

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Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah, Chapter 4:

This chapter begins with a plea for people to return to God’s ways and circumcise their hearts. Circumcision is an external action that joins one to the covenant community. The visual of circumcising one’s heart reveals how the covenant must also be lived internally.  The urgency for renewed repentance and dedication to the covenant becomes clear as God speaks through Jeremiah to explain that other nations are preparing to attack. The descriptions of the enemy pile up: evil, a lion, a destroyer, a sword, a hot wind, besiegers. In its wake there will be ruin, waste, destruction, desert, and murder. The chapter ends with an image of prostitution to remind Judah that she has turned from God, her spouse, to go after other gods that cannot help her.


The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah, Chapter 4:

1 “If you return, O Israel,
says the Lord, to me you should return.
If you remove your abominations from my presence,
and do not waver,
2 and if you swear, ‘As the Lord
in truth, in justice, and in uprightness,
then nations shall bless themselves in him,
and in him shall they glory.” 3 For thus says the Lord to the men of Judah and to the inhabit-
ants of Jerusalem:
“Break up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns.
4 Circumcise yourselves to the
remove the foreskin of your hearts,
O men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem;
lest my wrath go forth like fire,
and burn with none to quench it,
because of the evil of your doings.”
Judah Threatened with Invasion
5 Declare in Judah, and pro- claim in Jerusalem, and say,
“Blow the trumpet through the land;
cry aloud and say, ‘Assemble, and let us go
into the fortified cities!’
6 Raise a standard toward Zion,
flee for safety, stay not,
for I bring evil from the north, and great destruction.
7 A lion has gone up from his thicket,
a destroyer of nations has set out;
he has gone forth from his place
to make your land a waste; your cities will be ruins without inhabitant.
8 For this clothe yourself with sackcloth,
lament and wail;
for the fierce anger of the Lord
has not turned back from us.”
9 “In that day, says the Lord, courage shall fail both king and princes; the priests shall be appalled and the prophets astound- ed.” 10 Then I said, “Ah, Lord God, surely you have utterly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, ‘It shall be well with you’; whereas the sword has reached their very life.”
11 At that time it will be said to this people and to Jerusalem, “A hot wind from the bare heights in the desert toward the daughter of my people, not to winnow or cleanse, 12 a wind too full for this comes for me. Now it is I who speak in judgment upon them.”
13 Behold, he comes up like clouds,
his chariots like the whirlwind;
his horses are swifter than eagles—
woe to us, for we are ruined!
14 O Jerusalem, wash your heart from wickedness,
that you may be saved.
How long shall your evil
thoughts lodge within you?
15 For a voice declares from Dan
and proclaims evil from Mount Ephraim.
16 Warn the nations that he is coming;
announce to Jerusalem, “Besiegers come from a distant
land; they shout against the cities of Judah.
17 Like keepers of a field they are
against her round about, because she has rebelled
against me, says the Lord.
18 Your ways and your doings have brought this upon you.
This is your doom, and it is bitter;
it has reached your very heart.”
19 My anguish, my anguish! I writhe in pain!
Oh, the walls of my heart! My heart is beating wildly;
I cannot keep silent;
for I hear the sound of the trumpet,
the alarm of war.
20 Disaster follows hard on disaster,
the whole land is laid waste.
Suddenly my tents are destroyed,
my curtains in a moment.
21 How long must I see the standard,
and hear the sound of the trumpet?
22 “For my people are foolish, they know me not;
they are stupid children,
they have no understanding. They are skilled in doing evil,
but how to do good they know not.”
23 I looked on the earth, and behold, it was waste and void;
and to the heavens, and they had no light.
24 I looked on the mountains, and behold, they were quaking,
and all the hills moved back and forth.
25 I looked, and behold, there was no man,
and all the birds of the air had fled.
26 I looked, and behold, the fruitful land was a desert,
and all its cities were laid in ruins
before the Lord, before his fierce anger.
27 For thus says the Lord, “The whole land shall be a desolation; yet I will not make a full end.
28 For this the earth shall mourn, and the heavens above be black,
for I have spoken, I have planned;
I have not relented nor will I turn back.”
29 At the noise of horseman and archer
every city takes to flight;
they enter thickets; they climb among rocks;
all the cities are forsaken, and no man dwells in them.
30 And you, O desolate one, what do you mean that you
dress in scarlet,
that you deck yourself with ornaments of gold,
that you enlarge your eyes with paint?
In vain you beautify yourself.
Your lovers despise you; they seek your life.
31 For I heard a cry as of a woman with labor pains,
anguish as of one bringing
forth her first child,
the cry of the daughter of Zion gasping for breath,
stretching out her hands, “Woe is me! I am fainting
before murderers.”


*Daily Lectio Divina Question:

Jeremiah prophesied that the people of Judah will experience great instability in their lives, leading to anguish, darkness, and desolation because they turned from Him and did not repent from their evil ways. How is the Lord calling you make to Him the rock, the stable foundation in your life and those around you?




Biblical Commentary provided by the Catholic Biblical School of Michigan, an adult faith formation apostolate. Catholic Biblical School of Michigan

Revised Standard Version; Second Catholic Edition. (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2006).
Permission to use the RSV-2CE given for Bishop's Year of the Bible by Ignatius Press. Many thanks to Ignatius for this.
If you're looking for a good Catholic edition of the Bible, look no further

Jeremías 4

Jeremías 4

4 1«Si vas a volver, Israel

–oráculo del Señor–,

vuélvete a Mí.

Si quitas de mi presencia tus ídolos


no andarás errante.

2Si juras: “Vive el Señor”,

con verdad, juicio y justicia,

en Él serán benditas las naciones,

y en Él se gloriarán.

3Porque esto dice el Señor

a los hombres de Judá y a Jerusalén:

“Roturad un labrantío,

y no sembréis sobre zarzas.

4Circuncidaos por el Señor

y cortad los prepucios de vuestro


hombres de Judá y habitantes de Jerusalén,

no sea que mi cólera se encienda

como fuego,

se inflame, y no haya quien la apague,

ante la maldad de vuestras acciones”


5Anunciad en Judá,

pregonad y hablad en Jerusalén,

tocad la trompeta en la tierra,

gritad a pleno pulmón

diciendo: «¡Reuníos, entremos

en las ciudades fortificadas!».

6Izad bandera en Sión,

poneos a salvo, no os detengáis,

que traigo una desgracia desde el


un quebranto enorme.

7Un león sube de su guarida,

un destructor de naciones está en


salió de sus parajes

para dejar tu tierra desolada,

tus ciudades destruidas, deshabitadas.

8Por eso, ceñíos de saco,

haced duelo y gemid,

que no se aparta de nosotros

el ardor de la cólera del Señor.

9En aquel día –oráculo del Señor–

desfallecerá el corazón del rey

y el corazón de los príncipes,

perderán el aliento los sacerdotes,

y quedarán atónitos los profetas.

10Y dije:

«¡Ah, Señor Dios!

Engañaste por completo a este pueblo

y a Jerusalén

diciendo: “Tendréis paz”,

cuando la espada ha penetrado hasta

el alma».

11En aquel tiempo se dirá

a este pueblo y a Jerusalén:

«Un viento ardiente de las dunas del


se encamina hacia la hija de mi pueblo,

y no para aventar ni limpiar».

12Un viento impetuoso me llega:

ahora me toca a mí pronunciar

los juicios contra ellos.

13Mirad que avanza como las nubes,

y sus carros son como el huracán,

sus caballos son más ligeros que


¡Ay de nosotros! ¡Estamos perdidos!

14Lava de maldad tu corazón, Jerusalén,

para que puedas salvarte.

¿Hasta cuándo abrigarás en tu pecho

tus inicuos pensamientos?

15Es la voz del mensajero de Dan,

que anuncia la calamidad desde los

montes de Efraím.

16Anunciadlo a las naciones, ¡ya están


Pregonadlo en Jerusalén:

«De tierra lejana llegan los vigías,

alzan su voz contra las ciudades de


17como centinelas de campo apostados

a su alrededor,

porque se rebeló contra Mí»

–oráculo del Señor–.

18Tu camino y tus obraste han traído esto,

tal es tu maldad, que es amarga,

que te alcanza el corazón.

19¡Mis entrañas, mis entrañas! ¡Me


¡Las paredes de mi corazón!

Se me estremece el corazón.

No podré callar,

porque yo mismo he oído el sonar

de la trompeta,

el toque de combate.

20Quebranto sobre quebranto se


pues toda la tierra es devastada,

mis tiendas, destruidas de repente,

mis pabellones, en un instante.

21¿Hasta cuándo veré banderas

y escucharé el son de la trompeta?

22«Es que mi pueblo es necio,

no me conocen;

son hijos estúpidos,

no son inteligentes;

son diestros para el mal,

no saben hacer el bien».

23Miro a la tierra, y es caos y vacío,

a los cielos, y no tienen luz.

24Miro a los montes, y están temblando,

y todas las colinas se estremecen.

25Miro, y no hay nadie,

y todas las aves del cielo habían huido.

26Miro, y el vergel es un desierto,

y todas sus ciudades habían sido


delante del Señor,

ante el ardor de su ira.

27Pues esto dice el Señor:

«Todo el país quedará desolado,

pero no lo aniquilaré por completo.

28Así que la tierra guardará luto,

y allá arriba se oscurecerán los cielos,

porque lo he dicho, lo tengo decidido,

y no me arrepiento, ni me volveré


29Ante los gritos de jinetes y arqueros

huye toda la gente,

se adentran en las espesuras,

trepan por las peñas,

toda ciudad es abandonada,

no queda en ellas nadie.

30Y tú, asolada, ¿qué vas a hacer?

Por más que te vistas de púrpura,

por más que te adornes con joyas de


por más que te rasgues los ojos con


en vano te embelleces:

tus amantes te desprecian,

sólo buscan tu vida.

31Oí gritos como de parturienta,

angustias como de primeriza:

es la voz de la hija de Sión que jadeaba

y extendía sus brazos:

«¡Ay de mí, que desfallezco

delante de los asesinos!».


Pregunta de Lectio Divina del día de hoy


Jeremías profetizó que el pueblo de Judá experimentaría una gran inestabilidad en sus vidas que llevaría a la angustia, a la oscuridad y a la desolación, porque se apartaron de Él y no se arrepintieron de sus malas decisiones. ¿Cómo te está llamando el Señor para que lo conviertas en la roca, el fundamento estable en tu vida y en la de los que te rodean?


La Biblia de Navarra

Permiso para usar esta versión de la primera edición de la Biblia de Navarra

para el Año de la Biblia del Obispo 

dado por Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A. (EUNSA).
