In Summer 2020, Father Gary Koenigsknecht arrived as the new Pastor of Saint Joseph Parish & School in Howell.
“As pastor I oversee both the parish and the school which involves working with the principal, the teachers and, of course, the students and being very much involved in their lives,” explains Father Koenigsknecht.
“Whether that be coming into the classroom; talking and visiting regularly; having them participating in the parish, the sacraments, coming to Mass, celebrating Reconciliation, First Communions, all the elements that make up a Catholic life I get to be a part of that and that is something that very much excites me as I begin.”
32-year-old Father Koenigsknecht was ordained to the sacred priesthood in 2014. Since then he has served in the parishes of Holy Family, Grand Blanc, and, most recently, Saint Thomas Aquinas and Saint John Student Center in East Lansing. His new appointment is his first as pastor.
“We are so excited to have a new pastor,” says Renee Hornby, Saint Joseph School Principal.
“Father Gary brings a new energy to the school, to the parish, and I have already heard wonderful things about how connected he is – he wants to be here in this school, he wants to play with the kids, he wants to lead by faith and example.”
Want to know more about Saint Joseph Parish & School? Go to: https://stjosephhowell.com/