Here’s a lovely short film in which Deacon Michael Cassar explains the key moments in his life which have led towards his ordination to the holy priesthood tomorrow, Saturday, June 13, the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua.
“When I think about forgiving sins, about elevating the sacred host, urghh, I just don’t want to mess it up, because it’s really, really humbling that He wants to work through me,” says Deacon Michael.
Deacon Michael Cassar was born the middle child of three and raised in a Lutheran home in the Ann Arbor area. He thanks his parents for giving him a “loving upbringing and an appreciation of God”. While studying at Eastern Michigan University, he was received into the Catholic Church. That was just over 10 years ago…and now the holy priesthood beckons. Deo gratias.
Deacon Michael will be ordained as a priest for the Diocese of Lansing by Bishop Earl Boyea alongside Deacon John Vinton. Please keep both young men in your prayers. Our Lady, Queen of the Clergy, pray for them!