This fall will see a “bumper crop” of new seminarians for the Diocese of the Lansing with, God willing, 13 young men beginning studies for the holy priesthood – the highest number in over a decade.
“The Lord is abundantly blessing the Diocese of Lansing this year and we pray for these young men that, if this is what their call is, that they’ll have the grace to pursue it,” said Father John Whitlock, Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Lansing, June 2.
This year’s new intake is on top of the present 21 Diocese of Lansing seminarians studying for the holy priesthood bringing the total number studying at seminary for the diocese to 34.
“This is very significant,” says Father Whitlock, “I don’t think we’ve had this number enter since 2007 or so, and so it is significant and it is a reason to praise God.”
Indeed, Father Whitlock ascribes the size of the new intake directly to the power of prayer noting that when, very sadly, the Diocese of Lansing had no men ordained to the holy priesthood last year, Bishop Boyea asked all parishes to use that day as a moment of prayer for priestly vocations.
“Lots of our parishes have responded to the Lord’s call to pray fervently to send workers into the harvest,” says Father Whitlock, “I truly believe this increase, this bumper crop, so to speak, is above all the fruit of prayer, that the Lord is working in the lives of our young men and they are responding generously.”
• Do you feel God is calling you in prayer to the holy priesthood? Contact Father Whitlock at (517) 342-2507 or jwhitlock@dioceseoflansing.org