Bishop Earl Boyea invites you to join him at 7pm of Tuesday, May 19, as he offers the Baccalaureate Mass for all those graduating school within the Diocese of Lansing, live-streamed on the Diocesan Facebook page and YouTube channel.
“With the uncertainty as to when our schools and parishes might be able to gather with their graduates, Bishop Boyea wanted to offer Holy Mass at St. Mary Cathedral for all our graduating students,” said Tom Maloney, Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Lansing, May 17.
“Bishop Boyea will give thanks to Almighty God for the great blessings received during our graduates’ years of schooling and will also invoke God’s grace and guidance upon them as they embark upon their future."
The Baccalaureate Mass is being offered for all those graduating from Catholic school; all those Catholic students graduating from public school; and Catholic home-schooling graduates too.
The principal celebrant will be Bishop Boyea with the four diocesan high school chaplains concelebrating: Fr. Richard Lobert, Father Gabriel Richard High School, Ann Arbor: Fr. Paul Erickson, Lansing Catholic High School; Fr. Jim Rolph, Powers Catholic High School, Flint; Fr. Brian Lenz, Lumen Christi High School, Jackson. There will also be a small representative group of students from each of those schools.
To watch on Facebook click here.
To watch on YouTube click here.