Invitation: Familiaris Consortio Lecture Series

Father Gabriel Richard High School cordially invites you to join them this Saturday, March 7, for their latest Familiaris Consortio Lecture Series entitled “Wisdom Begins in Wonder: How Authentic Catholic Educators and Families can Save the Culture” being held at the Michigan League Ballroom, Ann Arbor.

“What is Catholic education and why is it so different from other educational models?” asks the conference publicity, “How does Catholic education support the family and what are the rights and responsibilities of parents and educators with regard to the education of children? Learn how Catholic education can be the key to saving the culture.”

The conference will take place 8:30 am – 12:00 noon and the keynote speaker will be Mary Rice Hasson (pictured) on the topic of “With Grace and Responsibility: Embracing Our Mission in a Challenging Culture”. Mary Rice Hasson is the Kate O’Beirne Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., where she also directs the Catholic Women’s Forum, a network of Catholic professional women and scholars seeking to amplify the voice of women in support of Catholic teachings.

The morning will also include talks by Tom Maloney, Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Lansing and John M. DeJak, President of Father Gabriel Richard High School. Additionally, Al Kresta, of Ave Maria Radio, will moderate panels of parents, educators, and clergy including Greg and Lisa Popcak, Sr. John Dominic Rasmussen, OP, Fr. Jim Rolph (a 2006 graduate of FGR), Karen McClelland, and Brian Garred. These panels will offer opportunity for attendees to join the conversation and ask questions.

The Familiaris Consortio Lecture Series is an outreach initiative by Father Gabriel Richard High School in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Its mission is to bring scholars and accomplished individuals to speak on a variety of issues that directly affect modern family life striving to contribute to the common good. It takes its name from the 1981 Apostolic Exhortation by Pope St. John Paul II which was the fruit of thirty years of philosophical reflection and practical experience on issues regarding the family.

Registration for this event is $15 per person and includes a continental breakfast. For more information, contact or call 734-662-0496, ext. 209. To register go to: