The Holy Eucharist isn’t blessed bread or, even, super blessed bread but is, in fact, the body, blood, soul and divinity of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. So, Father Joe Krupp reminds the readers of this month’s Faith Magazine.
“This is what transubstantiation is: transforming the substance,” writes Father Krupp, who is Pastor of the Church of the Holy Family in Grand Blanc, Genesee County.
“We believe that, at every Mass we pray, we join in Christ's eternal sacrifice. And as we re-present the sacrifice, the priest becomes in persona Christi (in the person of Christ), and the substance of the bread and wine is transformed from bread into the very flesh and blood of Christ.”
Father Krupp’s comments regarding the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist are contained within his regular “Father Joe in the Know” magazine column and are in response to a recent survey suggesting that some 69% of American Catholics “believe the bread and wine are only symbols” at Holy Mass. Of that group, nearly half believed that this is, in fact, the authoritative teaching of the Catholic Church.
“The key is this: the Eucharist should transform us, and it takes more than proper theology for that transformation to occur in us,” concludes Father Krupp, “Our pride, anger, stubbornness can work against the miracle that Jesus gives us. We need to approach the Eucharist with great reverence, devotion and love and let that change how we see and treat everyone we encounter.”
Read the full article at: https://faithmag.com/index.php/christ-really-and-truly-present-eucharist?fbclid=IwAR2WbNwNCyIH4rmNdktUOwzmS21Y4-2jDYLJ1rQfWphgpSfU_BBDA1R2sBU