American Chesterton Society, the Chesterton in Michigan Tour. Organized by Diocese of Lansing priests Rev. Peter J. Clark, Rev. Gordon Reigle, and Rev. John Rocus
NOV 12, 7:00pm, G.K. Chesterton and the Divine Detective, Spring Arbor University, 106 E. Main Street, Spring Arbor. Contact: Cameron.Moore@arbor.edu
NOV 13, 3:00pm, G.K. Chesterton and Catholic Social Teaching, St. Patrick Church, 5671 Whitmore Lake Rd, Ann Arbor. Contact: debbie@stpatricka2.org
NOV 13, 7:00pm, G.K. Chesterton, A Prophet of Our Time, St. John the Evangelist Church, 600 N. Adelaide St, Fenton. Contact: deacondan@stjohnfenton.org
NOV 14, 7:00pm, G.K. Chesterton, A Prophet for Our Time, Queen of the Miraculous Medal Church, 1111 Carlton Blvd, Jackson. Contact: bpizzalato@queenschurch.com
NOV 15, 4:00pm, G.K. Chesterton The Advantage of Seeing the World Upside Down, Hillsdale College, Searle Center, 315 N. West Street, Hillsdale. Contact: mvangieson98@gmail.com
NOV 15, 7:00pm, G.K. Chesterton on Love & Marriage Moments Filled with Eternity, St. Anthony of Padua Church, 11 No. Broad St, Hillsdale.
NOV 16, 7:00pm, How Schools Can Capitalize on the Revival of Classical Education, St. Thomas the Apostle School, 540 Elizabeth St, Ann Arbor. Contact: lnienhaus@sta2.org
NOV 17, 10:00am, How Schools Can Capitalize on the Revival of Classical Education, St. Mary Church, 157 High St, Williamston. Contact: Williamston.rj@gmail.com
NOV 17, 7:00pm, G.K.Chesterton: Lost Art of Thinking The Battle for Your Brain, Lansing Catholic High School, 501 Marshall St, Lansing. Contact: bfink@corlansing.org
NOV 18, 3:00pm, The Incredible Mind of G.K. Chesterton, Holy Spirit Church, 9565 Musch Rd, Brighton. Contact: jasonnegri@gmail.com